Wednesday 1 July 2015

We Have a Blog!

It's still a work in progress, but it's here. I've always wanted to have a class blog, because I have this long-standing and firmly-rooted belief that students are best educated when both the parents and the school are communicating and working together.

So - this is my first proactive step to help with this. My plan is to update the blog every weekend with the happenings of the week past (hightlights - provided by the students themselves, work we've done, pictures) and things we are looking forward to in the next week.

There's been a lot for me to go through in this classroom, moving over the summer. But there's been one bulletin board that I keep staring at.

It's faded now, but no less true. I'll be giving it a new face, but I love that it is part of Kindergarten. "Let the little children come to me." The verse continues "for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." The verse that is up now says "All your children will be taught of the Lord."  This is the foundation for BCS.

I am very blessed to be teaching the ones so loved by God and so loved by you, parents.