I'm so excited to spend this upcoming school year with your children!
I have spent much of this summer preparing the room, redesigning, preparing curriculum, and preparing all of those other little things that will make for a smooth transition into JK and SK. Every step makes me more and more excited for the year to begin!
As I sit here in this new classroom thinking about what to say, I think I'd like to keep it simple and just let you know a few important things about our class:
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1. You and I together will know so much joy seeing your child grow and learn this year
2. I believe with my whole heart that God has made every child competent, capable, curious, and wonderfully open-hearted to the love of Christ. I am so excited to disciple and guide and teach them as they learn about His love, His world, and living with His people in it!
3. I value you. You have decided as a parent to invest finances, time, and heart into providing your child with an education centred in the truth of Christ and God's love for His creation - thank you for trusting me to be a part of that. I promise to care for both their minds and their hearts, and I invite you to contact me at any time with questions, concerns, or comments.
4. I am dedicated to providing your child with quality academic experiences, in literacy, in math, and all other curricular areas. I'm also dedicated to sharing my passion for learning, and showing your child not just what to learn, but how to learn. How to investigate, explore, and discover!
5. Your child is a leader. We will grow some habits this year that will help your child be effective in the gifts they have to offer their communities, at the age and stage they are now. They are not too young to be sharing their gifts of friendship and creativity (and so much more!) with the communities they are a part of!
6. I encourage you as parents to engage in this community! Talk to each other, comment on the blog, come to school events! We are so excited and pleased to have you join us!
Thanks for reading!
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