'What a fun week! Turkeys, graphs, leading assembly, imagination play, and lots of letters and reading learning!
Math: Every day includes a counting story, a game for number recognition, and then our lesson for the day. We learned about sorting and now we are building on those skills to make graphs.
We can make a people graph! More of our class like dogs
than cats - now we know! |
We also made a picture graph! The left hand column
is people who like sun better, and the right is those
who prefer snow. |
Imagination Learning - Students use imagination during their learning centre choice time to expand what they know and communicate what they know about life.
HO is playing teacher - she gives SA and KA a morning message
("Don't you worry Miss K! I'm not actually opening the marker!") |
We read a Veggie Tales counting book, in which Bob the Tomato's
boat sunk by the time the 10th vegetable (Goliath the Giant Pickle)
joined the crew. KA decided she would use her learning centre time
to make a boat that would hold everyone! Connecting math, problem
solving, social skills as she worked with another student, and foundational
engineering skills. |
Literacy is ongoing in school. In Kindergarten, this looks different at different times of the year and with different students. Our students have constant access to the library where they can read or picture-read books, becoming familiar with familiar words, and stories, finding "popcorn words" (words that pop up everywhere!), and print concepts.
HA practices her reading in the library. |
SA writes her own morning message on the practice slates during
morning table centres. "Today is Thursday, October 8, 2015." |
Finally, we were very thankful this week! Students were very excited for the holiday, and even more excited when we talked about leading assembly (we started to call it "being Mr. Roeper" because Mr. R usually leads worship during Monday morning chapel). We were counting down the days, and after assembly today they asked if they could do it again! I was proud of their leadership and enthusiasm for sharing with the school. Thank you to so many parents for coming today!
In our talks about thanskgiving, students asked why all the books
had turkeys. So we talked about turkeys as a reminder to be thankful,
relating to the first thanksgiving. Students asked if they could make
one, so we cut out our hands (fine motor and cutting skills) to be the
feathers. |
Have a wonderfully blessed Thanksgiving!
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