Friday, 30 October 2015

Pencils, Pizza, and Impersonating (me!)

I have seen several students become very interested in being able to write down their own ideas. Two students on Wednesday alone came to me and asked me to teach them to write! So we did! Students learn that writing is sharing our thoughts, and they can pretend write, sound out some letters/words and pretend write the rest, or write like an adult. It is so excited to see students wanting to do this, setting the foundation for the desire to write. We will explore this more next week.

GR and HO take large sheets of paper and make books.
These sorts of activities are so important for literacy development.
Students make connections to what they know about words and
books and create what they know!
At the sand table: CA found that pinecones, part of our fall addition to the sand centre, makes a fun design or pattern when it is rolled. Right after this, KI started working with him to find other ways to use the pinecone in sand. KA and MA examined different ways to pour.

Students continued to play school this week. How fun to watch them impersonate a teacher! In addition to being very fun for me, watching them use some of my calming phrases and strategies, as well as some idiosyncracies (ie. always having a mug of coffee), I was able to observe their literacy as they read the morning message, their understanding of routines, adn their abilities to synergize (Habit 6, together is better) to create a fun classroom play with a teacher, helper, and students.
Students also explored balance and creation of a track that would be stable enough to hold trucks.      

HA made a rubbing of a leaf and is cutting it out for our bulletin board.

Wednesday of course was a highlight! Pizza, costumes, and a long weekend - we loved having a little parade and showing off our looks! Let the learning and exploring continue!

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