Spring has (finally) sprung! And oh, were we excited!
The last two weeks in pictures...
1. Teeth and smiles!
We learned about dental health this week - brushing our teeth, going to the dentist, and keeping healthy.
2. As you may have seen at the Spring Fling, Kindergarten was in charge of making 100 placemats! The students went for this goal, this end in mind, in full force, asking to work on it multiple times throughout the day. We tied in data management - how will we keep track of how many we have?, groups of ten to 100, number value and how numbers are sequential, and lots of learning about things we see in spring and ways to illustrate them!
3. A new art provocation - students came in on Thursday to see flowers in a vase. After a modeled lesson, they were invited to illustrate what they saw. They did a beautiful job!

4. A new centre was created, the habitat centre! Students are exploring why God made different things to live in different places, and how we made them exactly right to live where they are. We discussed animals that need a wild habitat and those who can be pets and then what pets need in a habitat.

5. This led to a discussion on if there are good pets and bad pets, and if some people don't give their pets good habitats. Our class is now an expert on guinea pig habitats, and are quickly learning to apply what they've learned to different and different animals.
6. We also explored Venn diagrams, as an extension of sorting - we then sorted food into yes, no, and maybe/sometimes; we also worked on a Venn diagram for good pets/bad pets, and maybe/for some people pets (ie. horses would be a good pet for people who have space and money).
7, WIGS!
We have been working since March Break on choosing Wildly Important Goals - now that we understand WIGS and have learned how to work in groups, we have started a new system where small groups work on their WIGS every morning - this gives consistent practice and the chance to own their learning and work with each other and myself more closely.
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