Sunday, 24 April 2016

Practice, Practice

We started preparing this week for Leadership Day! Leadership Day is a wonderful opportunity to showcase students' strengths, to make an impact on guests coming through our doors. 

Every member of our class has a role, from greeters, to Habit - explainers, to students explaining some of the work we've done. 

Students will be practicing throughout the next two weeks to interact with our guests confidently!

We have also practiced our numbers, specifically our teens, and counting higher than twenty. As we practice, I am amazed how quickly the students, both JK's and SK's, grow in their skills.

One of our favourite ways to do this is a game called Race to Finish - students roll and count dice (includes addition skills) and fill up their page - then they count again to see which colour won!

We also created our own number line, showing representations of numbers in various ways - numerals, words, tallies, pictures, ect.

We practiced cutting by making snip soup!

And as always, we learned through exploring. In this learning stories, some friends set up a house, which then "got on fire" and they made ambulances, fire trucks, and hospitals to work together and save everyone! Their creativity and ability to synergize and explore real world concepts is always a joy to experience!

Have a wonderful weekend!

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