Sunday, 1 May 2016

Habits in Action

One of the pay-offs (of many) of teaching is seeing students begin to implement strategies, tools, skills, and habits independently of prompting and help from us. This time of year is particularly fun for that, and I saw it often this week. As we worked - and we worked hard this week! - I saw students identify problems or questions, and then identify either solutions or answers, or how to come up with those solutions/answers.

I thought I'd share some of these moments with you.

1. Discovery + Letters, Sounds, Words, Punctuation, Phonemic Awareness (and everything else that goes into writing a book).

We have been working this month of April on writing books - publishing has been an interest of the class throughout the year. This has been practical applications of all we've learned on so many aspects of thinking, communication, and, of course, everything that goes into writing (a list long enough that I decided to not write it all out.)

This week, I saw students try to sound out big words, use the sight word wall and other tools to find spellings, and use different forms of punctuation to express what they are thinking. I also saw them expand their style of book. For example, CA became interested in manatees several weeks ago and asked if we could learn about them. This was another exciting moment for me - we talk all the time about wondering and exploring and discovering - I love watching students initiate areas of learning! And once we had learned, he wrote a book to share!


2. In math, we practiced our teen numbers and formations. Students were encouraged to ask each other for clues and use the number line we cocreated!

3. We also worked on our reading skills. As we did read-alouds, I would stop at a tricky word and students would teach me how to use a strategy, and model to me how to use it!

4. I also saw students using the art centre to make things to enhance their explore time play - on their own, students realized that their centre needed something; they found resources and made it!

5. More Leadership Day practice! Every student has a role on Thursday, and the part-time students are part of my training team! Students worked hard coming up with examples of ways that they have an impact (the theme for Leadership Day), ways that our class has an impact, and Habit 3 - Put First Things First. We listed what we needed, brainstormed centre signs we needed to make, and signed up for tasks. Students used their own creative ideas to make it interesting, and helped each other practice!

I'm so proud of your kindies!

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